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  3. Setting up your occupancy times

Setting up your occupancy times

Occupancy is a key factor that drives energy consumption.

Energy savings can often be easily made by targeting when your site is unoccupied, reducing your baseload and maintaining this good practice level of consumption. Equally, highlighting your core consumption period can help you determine when in the day and what equipment or practices cause your peak consumption.


Core, shoulder and unoccupied

Occupancy is separated into 3 or 4 defined period types.

This period represents when your building is expected to have highest consumption or when it is fully occupied.
When your building is partially occupied and consumption is higher than your baseload
When your building is fully unoccupied and consumption should be minimal.
For gas only, your pre-heat period represents the time before your building is occupied when gas consumption is required.


How to load your occupancy

Under Settings, select Occupancy.


Using the Week Editor

After selecting a Site or Meteryou can edit your occupancy using the Week Editor.

Clicking on each half hour interval cycles from Unoccupied to Shoulder to Core and back to Unoccupied. To amend multiple intervals, simply click and drag across the occupancy grid.

Once complete, click Save.


Using the Day Editor

After selecting a Site or Meteryou can edit your occupancy using the Day Editor. Use the dropdown menu to select the day of the week.

Clicking on each half hour interval cycles from Unoccupied to Shoulder to Core and back to Unoccupied.

To copy your single day settings across multiple days of the week, use the Copy function.

Review your Occupancy settings using the Week View.

Please note, this is a live view of your Occupancy settings but cannot be used for editing.

Once complete, click Save.


Setting occupancy for all your sites at once

To bulk upload your occupancy settings for all your sites or meters, download the below form, fill it out and email it to [email protected].

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