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  3. What is the ‘average’ line in Static Reports?

What is the ‘average’ line in Static Reports?

Across various Static reports, you will often see an ‘Average’ line plotted on top of your energy consumption.

Why is comparing to an average useful?

Comparison to an average allows you to assess your current energy use to how you have recently performed.

The average line generally appears as a black line.

In a static report, unless stated otherwise; the average line will represent a 4-week average.

4-week average

Typically, the most recent 4-week period is used to calculate the 4-week average. However, sometimes the 4-weeks that are averaged can differ depending on the period that you are reporting on.

In Weekly and Daily reports

The 4-week average is calculated by using the 4-weeks previous to the period shown in the report. With day reports, the previous 4 ‘similar days’ will be averaged.

For example, the below report has a report date of Friday 04/11/22. So the average that has been generated in the below report is an average of:

Fri 28/10/2022
Fri 21/10/2022
Fri 14/10/2022
Fri 07/10/2022

In Monthly reports

A calendar month report uses the 4-weeks prior to the report to calculate an ‘Average weekly profile’. The 4-week period being used is the last 4 weeks of the previous month.

This ‘average week profile’ is then overlaid on each week of the month report shown. The same average week will repeat.

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